Building an A11y Read Time
March 06, 2020☕️2 min read
The <ReadTime />
component for this blog is based on Dan Abromov’s helper function (which this blog borrows heavily from). However, due to our requirements, a component will be better suited as a solution.
First, let’s setup a quick component that receives a reading time in minutes and displays a simple label:
const ReadTime = ({minutes}) => {
return <span>{`${minutes} min read`}</span>
Now that we have our base component, lets display a cup of coffee for every 10 minutes of read time, rounding up:
const ReadTime = ({minutes}) => {
const cups = Math.ceil( minutes / 10 ) return (
<span role="image" aria-label={`${cups} cup${cups === 1 ? "" : "s"} of coffee`} > {`${new Array(cups).fill("☕️").join("")}`} </span> {`${minutes} min read`}
Our component calculates the the number of cups, creates an accessible <span />
wrapper for the emojis, and then creates a proper array of coffee cups to display.
We could finish here and be just fine, but what would happen if I ever decided to stay on my soapbox for so long that the label generated six cups of coffee? I don’t want to promote bad coffee habits. Let’s say after 3 cups (or 30 minutes), we instead show a nice whiskey glass signaling the would-be reader, that this heavy post might be better suited for an evening read with a nice glass of whiskey:
const ReadTime = ({minutes}) => {
const label = `${minutes} min read` if(minutes > 30){ return ( <span> <span role="image" aria-label="A glass of whiskey"> 🥃 </span> {label} </span> ) }
const cups = Math.ceil( minutes / 10 ) return (
aria-label={`${cups} cup${cups === 1 ? "" : "s"} of coffee`}
{`${new Array(cups).fill("☕️").join("")}`}
{label} </span>
And that’s it. We check for minutes, return the whiskey glass component if its a long read, otherwise we continue on to return the coffee component. If coffee or whiskey is not your jam, just replace the emojis and remember to update the aria-label
Written by Jesse Florig.
Powered by coffee.